CGB #2 - My first resonator

After I finished making my first Cigar Box Guitar (which was my first build), I immediately started in on this one. I'd found a few things at the thrift stores to create a resonator cbg and this is what I came up with.

Those are finishing nails for frets - not for the squeemish.

Rezo CBG

I used an upside-down pot lid and some sort of fancy candy dish together to create the metal resonator. Together they sound great!

Rezo CBG body

REZO Headstock

I still own this baby. I doubt that I'll ever part with her. This might be one of the best sounding CBGs I've made. I think it's because of the two metal objects on top of each other. Anyway, here's a clip I recorded right after I completed this instrument. Judge for yourself by playing the soundclick file below.