Here's my latest banjo. It's a commission. The owner wanted a banjo similar to the first
Tackhead with internal tensioning system I put together a few months ago.This banjo has a block rim with two layers of zebra wood. The tailpiece and bridge are also zebra wood. The neck in a very nicely figured cherry and the fretboard is rosewood - so is the peghead.
Here's a little video explanation and demonstration (on a beautiful November day in my back yard):
Here's a demo by Frank Lee, of the Freighthoppers:
And here's a proud new owner.
Here are some more pictures of the banjo:

Here's a demo by Frank Lee, of the Freighthoppers:
And here's a proud new owner.
Here are some more pictures of the banjo:
Here are a few photos I took as I was making banjo: